Web Development

Things to Note

  • Web development is a very very broad spectrum of tools and languages; this archive does not (and cannot) attempt to cover all of the available options and possible technologies

  • Always put CSS and Javascript into separate files and link them into the HTML, do not clutter your HTML with scripts and styling



!important; please read this site before doing any web dev research, it shows you all the reasons you should NOT use a commonly appearing site called W3Schools. Also note that W3Schools is not in any way affiliated with the similarly named W3C, which is an organization that creates international standards for a number of web technologies!

HTML5 Rocks

Easily one of THE best places to go for HTML 5 information; all sorts of tutorials and information about the HTML5 specification.

Mozilla Developer Network

Another really great resource for all sorts of information regarding HTML, CSS, and JS, as well as web API’s and DOM.


One of, if not the best place for CSS3 information aside from the mozilla developer network.

XML (wiki) (XML tutorial)/JSON (wiki) (JSON tutorial)

Both are very common data exchange formats for web technologies, and while XML has much more complex uses, the basics of both are very simple and easy to understand (personally I greatly prefer JSON since you seldom encounter the same parsing shenanigans as is required with XML).

Django tutorial

My favorite back-end Python web framework for web apps, it has ease-of-use, a great MVC architecture, and the full power of Python.


Excellent tutorial to learn the core of creating a dynamic client-side experience.


jQuery is in many ways the de-facto standard as far as js libraries are concerned, you’d be hard pressed to find a modern website that doesn’t make use of this awesome js framework.


Twitter’s own front-end bootstrap framework is one of the most popular for good reason; once you learn how to leverage it, it can make prototyping and scaffolding very fast.


LESS is a CSS preprocessor that expands the powers of CSS immensely and removes some annoying limitations of CSS by itself.

hosting Django (gunicorn + uwsgi)