Python Resources¶
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
The resource to end all resources; this is arguably the single-most useful compendium of Python references and information in one place.
- Learn Python
Pretty awesome site really, I wish I had known about this when I was learning to write code or picking up Python
- Think Python
Starts with the basics of programming before delving further into Python; ultimately has loads of information about the language
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Python 3 (previous official edition)
Learn programming concepts and paradigms using Python 3
- python course
Teaches python as well as enough in-depth coverage that it serves well as an introduction to programming
- Learn Python the Hard Way
Great information for learning Python; the power and flexibility it gives makes writing scripts or small programs simply trivial
- Awesome Python
Curated list of great Python libraries and frameworks to investigate and utilize in your own projects
- Python 4 Fun
Collection of python algorithm exercises
- Natural Language Processing with Python
Who doesn’t find NLP interesting?
- A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python (MIT OCW)
I haven’t personally gone through this one specifically, but all of the other MIT OCW content I have looked through thus far has been extremely solid